How does SSP work?

The SSP sends safety cues to your nervous system through specially filtered music, buiding the foundation for awareness, embodiment and resilience.

Improved Response to Stress

When our nervous system is regulated, sleeping, eating, concentrating, communicating and participating in meaningful relationships with others is easier. We can better respond to challenging situations and move past them instead of reacting and getting “stuck” in them.

Better Emotional Regulation and Resilience

Become attuned to and more in control of emotions to move through temporary setbacks with more flexibility and ease.

More Social Connections and Deeper Relationships

Better Emotional Regulation and Resilience

By activating the part of your brain that allows us to be more social, affectionate and connected, the SSP can help shift you into a state where you are more comfortable and at ease engaging with others, leading to deeper and more meaningful relationships. The music of the SSP is unlike any other. Each track has been filtered through a patented algorithm that highlights specific sound frequencies that are similar to the human voice. As you listen to the music, these highlighted frequencies send cues of safety to retune your nervous system, which can help you feel more settled, engaged and balanced. Works alongside you, wherever you are on your healing journey.

Supports Many Symptoms and Conditions

The SSP may be helpful in reducing symptoms that are associated with

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Neurodevelopmental differences, such as autism, ADHD and ADD
  • Learning difficulties
  • Sensory processing differences
  • Trauma history

Works With Other Therapies

It can also be combined with and is supportive of other therapies, including:

  • Occupational therapy, play therapy and sensory integration therapy.
  • Other forms of mental health and trauma therapies such as EMDR, Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems (IFS)
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy and other forms of talk therapy (e.g. DBT, MCBT, etc.)

Listen From Almost Everywhere

You can listen to the SSP either in person with your certified provider or remotely from the comfort of your own home, allowing for flexibility and ease.

Safe and Effective for All Ages and Families

The SSP has helped over 100,000 children, adolescents and adults in more than 70 countries worldwide.

If you are interested please get in touch with the clinic to make an appointment with Esther Martinez to learn more and for her to assess if this intervention is suitable for you and/or your child.